Anna Rudzit
Makeup Artists
Moscow, Russia
Anna Rudzit | Makeup Artist
Anna Rudzit is a creative makeup artist who specializes in avant-garde makeup. She started applying and photographing unique cosmetic art in 2019, as well as writing personal and autobiographical descriptions for them on her Instagram blog. But she hadn’t always planned to go down the career path of an artist. Before focusing on makeup, Anna had graduated from university with a degree in sociology and worked full-time for a research agency. And although she enjoyed the time spent with her colleagues, her distaste for the position and the additional stress that was put onto her life was not worth it, she had bigger ambitions.
Throughout her life, Anna had always loved to take pictures, so it was only a matter of time until she tapped into her creative side again. Makeup made her feel a sense of high energy and a desire to create, causing her to crave the ability to let go of her fantasies and make them realities. She began formulating her desires, discussing the topic with friends, and steadily combining all of her hobbies into one fulfilling career. In order to accumulate the skills she needed, she took courses in makeup artistry and graduated with a newfound proficiency in retouching. She was finally ready to pursue her wildest dreams.
Anna is inspired by an abundance of things ranging from personal experience, works of art, nature, architecture, travel, music and much more. She has always been attracted to surrealism and psychologism and is a big fan of everything David Lynch creates as a director, photographer, and artist. Anna herself is a source of inspiration for thousands of creatives worldwide, and is the cofounder of @messymakeupcommunity on Instagram along with Anna Meder (@medergallery). This page aims to provide a platform for gifted makeup artists and is known for its power to push past the boundaries of perfectionism to develop creativity.
As someone who is full of exciting ideas, we wanted to know what type of mindset Anna has kept in order to stay successful, and the kind of advice she has for our community. She fervently replied, “My life mantra is to be open, not lose myself, and not compare myself to others. It’s difficult in our crazy world, but I try. A close friend of mine once told me that my creative side has always been in me, but I’ve just let it be. It gives me strength, but like any person engaged in creativity, I always ask myself the question ‘is this art or shit?’. I believe that when you ask this question, you can think critically and continue to do what you do best.”
Head to Anna Rudzit’s Instagram: @sugaronyoursouls to see more of her quirky creations!
Written By
Katherine Berg | @kurleykath
Katherine is an artist, vegan activist, and the founder and curator of Creating Freely Magazine. She’s passionate about living on her own terms and maximizing her potential!