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A Creative’s Guide For Wellness

Shebah Etosha Brown
Shebah Etosha Brown
November 9, 2021
Shot by Cerqueira

NOW More Than Ever

people are tapping into their creative sides when it comes to music, film, videos, dance, art, etc. We have seen an influx in new businesses being started along with social media excelling into new heights. Creatives all over the world are showing up and expressing who they are unapologetically. With all of the positive things happening in these creative spaces, mindfulness, wellness and self-care have moved to the forefront on a global scale. At one point these topics were almost taboo to discuss amongst our peers, let alone in the news and media outlets. The only time these topics were discussed were in the presence of someone we absolutely trusted or not at all. With the rise of social distancing, mask mandates and vaccines, self-care has become more pertinent in people’s lives as we come to grips with fighting a deadly virus amongst all of the other things we are faced with in our daily lives.

About Wellness

Wellness is more than just lighting scented candles, taking a bubble bath, and listening to your favorite jams on iTunes. Wellness is also a state of being...a state of mind. There are things that we do in our everyday life that go against the well being of who we are, and they can often be a direct reflection of where we are mentally and emotionally. Saying no to something that you knew you didn’t have time for, or even addressing a situation right away that you allowed to linger, are all ways to be mindful in our lives. If you are a creative and are struggling with ways to be more mindful and attentive to your needs, I want to share with you some tips that could help. If you are already doing these things, keep up the good work. If you need more inspiration and motivation to do something different, here are some practical ways that you can be more mindful and loving to yourself.

Affirmations: Everyday we wake up is a new day to honor ourselves. One of the best ways to honor yourself is to speak kind words to yourself. Sometimes it’s not just enough to think good things about who you are, you have to say them out loud. Giving yourself a few moments in the morning to encourage the good things about you will allow you to feel and be more productive. There’s already enough negative thinking and speaking in the world around us, you don’t want to bring those things into your own personal space.

Shot by Cerqueira
Shot by Cerqueira

Saying No: Nobody ever wants to hear the dreadful word ‘No'. If we’re being honest, we all want to hear yes at all times and nothing less. But saying yes to every request that falls into your lap can be draining. If you don’t want to do something, don’t do it, but still be honest with those around you about your intentions. You have the right to not feel obligated to be at someone’s beck and call, it’s necessary for you to thrive. Utilizing the word no doesn’t mean that you use it as a weapon to get out of commitments and obligations that are expected from you, but it’s a way for others to know that you are not always going to be readily available to them; you need time to focus on where you are and your needs. 

Honoring Your Time: It is important to understand that choosing what and who you give your time to is critical to maintaining your peace. That can be as simple as limiting your choices (not taking on every project or going to every event that you are invited to) or embracing your need for personal time and space. Respecting your time means that you do the things that bring you the most joy and peace.

Get Organized: Organization is definitely a skill to be had, but not everyone is good at it and that is okay. A simple way to learn how to organize is creating a checklist of things that you need to accomplish during your days and weeks. You can also create S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely) goals as a way to hold yourself accountable for the projects you are committed to. Properly planning out your weeks/months of social content in advance will keep you from getting burned out and increase your productivity. Spending all of your time on many projects at one time is not a healthy sign of productivity. In the long run you can become discontent with what you love to do. 

Communication: Vocalizing your needs to those around you, in a safe and healthy space, is one of the major keys to creating and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. When you are unable to express your emotions it can lead to high levels of stress and cause you to isolate yourself. Being able to articulate how you are feeling doesn’t have to be difficult. Setting expectations in the beginning of your relationships and going back to adjust those expectations when needed is paramount to preserving your energy. You don’t have to argue or fight with someone to get them to see your side of things; by creating proper boundaries between you and those that share your space, you can form great and healthy communication.

You can tailor these tips to fit your specific wants and needs that will bring you the most fulfillment. Taking care of yourself is the highest form of self-love there is. You are not being selfish when you decide to put yourself first. It’s important to note that you will not be able to express yourself to the fullest extent if you are mentally, emotionally and physically drained. Being selfless is okay, but don’t neglect yourself in the pursuit of it.

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Hong Nguyen

about the author

Shebah Etosha Brown
Shebah Etosha Brown
Team Members

Shebah Etosha Brown is an active creative writer and author living in Arizona with her husband, 3 children, and her red-slider turtle, Mikey. Since a young age, Shebah has

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Katherine Berg
Katherine Berg
Multidisciplinary Artists

Katherine is an artist, vegan activist, and the founder and curator of Creating Freely Magazine. She’s passionate about living on her own terms and maximizing her potential.


Liam M.
Liam M.
Team Members

Liam M. is a magazine editor who comes from an artistic background, having studied drama and English at University. He’s also composed music that has been broadcasted on

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