Mia Evedith
Mia Evedith
Mia Evedith


Tampa, Florida, United States, United States

Mia Evedith | Photographer

Mia Evedith is a photographer from St. Petersburg, Florida who specializes in experimental fisheye shots, warped portraits and band photography. For as long as she can remember, she’s loved to overlay faces, or certain facial features, to create the effect of images looking 3D or dreamlike. This is enhanced by her use of high saturation, fisheye, grain and cooler tones. A large portion of her inspiration is derived from 80’s and 90’s era album work as well as magazines like: Teeth Magazine, Big Brother, Metal Magazine, and Pop Magazine. But the number one inspiration behind her art has always been music, with artists in the punk rock scene being the biggest influential figures in her life. Band photography has allowed her to combine this love of punk/rock music and creative photography into one fulfilling career.


Mia’s journey into becoming a photographer has been a fun and eccentric one. Growing up as a classical pianist, she loved the ability of using her hands to create things. Her love of music grew once she hit her teens, escalating into her every waking moment. After having found an old Nikon camera at her grandparents house, she couldn’t stop visualizing the idea of producing album covers. What started out as just a side project soon became a passion that led her towards leaving piano behind completely and pursuing photography full-time instead.


Her life experiences have paved the way for her success; for anyone looking to dive into the world of creative photography as well, Mia advises: “Never curate your style to the likes of anyone other than yourself. Continually do what you specifically love and never let people put you in a box or try and limit what they think you’re capable of. Allow critique to fuel you and love to inspire you.

Enjoy more of Mia Evedith’s work on her Instagram @bitweirdinnit.

Written By

Katherine Berg | @kurleykath

Katherine is an artist, vegan activist, and the founder and curator of Creating Freely Magazine. She’s passionate about living on her own terms and maximizing her potential! 

Katherine Berg
Katherine Berg

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